When we talk about front-end JavaScript libraries, nothing comes close to React.js. It is mainly used for building web applications. The React framework can be represented either as React.js, Reactjs or as simple React. Around 500+ companies trust on React.js & use it for creating web applications. React.js allows developers to create large web applications that enable data changing, without reloading the page. The main purpose of React is to be fast, scalable, and reliable.
Usage of React.js
React.js is an open-source JavaScript library that is used for building user interfaces specifically for SPA ( Single Page Application). It’s also used for handling the view layer for mobile apps. React also allows developers to create reusable UI components.
History of React.js

- Initial Release-The Birth of Reactjs
In 2011, Facebook developers started to face some issues with code maintenance. As the Facebook Ads app got more & more features, the team needed more people to keep it running smoothly. The growing number of team-members and app-features slowed their pace as a company. Due to this, their app became difficult to handle, as they faced a lot of cascading updates. After a while, developers at Facebook couldn’t align with these cascading updates. They had the idea clear, but they needed to get a step forward for user experience. So, Jordan Walke came up with an idea that makes the process more efficient, and it is none other than Reactjs.
- 2013 – The time of the biggest launch
React.js initial version was publicly released in 2013. The fun fact is the audience finds it distrustful. The vast majority thought React was a wrong move & reason for the backward step of technology. This occurred as generally ‘early adopters’ went to this meeting, notwithstanding, React.js focused on ‘innovators.’ The makers of React.js understood this mix-up on schedule, and chose to begin a ‘react tour’ later on to transform critics into advocates.
- 2014 – The time of Expansion
React had continuously acquired its notoriety and begun to go through to ‘early greater part’ of its likely clients. Now, they require another message rather than exclusively depending on its specialized advantages, and it is: how is React.js stable? By zeroing in on this, they expected to engage ventures, as Netflix.
- 2015-2016- Stability & Mainstream
In 2015, Facebook released the first version of React native. During React.js conf-2015, Relay & GraphQL was introduced. Also, Facebook made React.js available for iOS on github. In the 3rd quarter of 2015, the first version of React.js Developer tools launched in the market. In 2016, we saw React.js getting mainstream. It includes Mobx, introduction of Draft.js, React.js storybook, and the Error code system of React.js & many more.
- 2017-2021- React.js & Improvement
A huge bunch of changes awaits for React.js. In early 2017, Airbnb introduced their new open source library called ‘ React sketch.app’. React.js got better with error boundaries, portals, fragments, and the fibre architecture. Netflix took a crucial step by removing client-side React.js. In 2020, React.js just got better and better. Code stability, SEO friendly, Helpful developer toolkit, performance boosting & easy migration are the reasons why React.js is worth using.
Development Structure

What’s next?
- Stage One: Native Modules
- Type-safe
An improvement over the wellbeing of codes that you divide among JS.
- Less overhead
It will assist with decreasing the callback over-burdens among Javascript and local conditions.
- Quicker Startup
It will lessen the installation of native applications as a matter of course for quicker loading applications.
- Stage Two: Fabric
Fabric is a venture by Facebook. It will change the React Native future. Fabric is an undertaking to make React Native developer group and its tools more viable with different stages than the typical iOS and Android.
It will assist with making a lower over-burden on the application structures and your applications will run quicker than the old ones.
- Stage Three: Ne API
Quite possibly the most fundamental move up to look out for in the React Native people community is JavaScript Interface JSI. It is an exciting method for interfacing with the Javascript engine. It assists designers with associating with the engine while composing codes in C++.
In ending,
Now that we have a rough understanding of what React is. We know about its past, present and the future. We also understand what’s coming that makes react even more powerful. It is the time for you to take the next step & adopt React for your projects. Find it difficult to implement it? Contact Us, we will help you with the best solution you can get.